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Bootcamp Ireland Night Hike

That time of year again where we take you up to the mountains in the dark and keep hiking until we find a warm place to sit and have some hot food and a cuppa with a bit of craic agus ceol!!

Yes, it’s our well earned night hike! If you haven’t been on one before, this is defo for you! We meet up in town, get brought on a bus out to the edge of the Dublin mountains (well somewhere in the wilderness anyway), and we are led by our Bootcamp Instructors on a hike for a few hours! Usually about 2 to 3 hours later, we will end up the Merry Plough boy for a meal and a few drinks or a cuppa! Then the bus will collect us from there around 11.30pm and bring us back to town (with a few stop along the way for those who want to be dropped off!)

nighthike edited pic

When: 3rd Feb 2017

Pick up: National Concert Hall at 6pm


What’s included:

Transport to and from (no discount if not getting the bus.. sorry)

Your meal on arrival back to the Merry Ploughboy (you can chose from 2 main courses closer the time – vegetarian option available)

Guided Hike by Bootcamp Ireland Instructors

Lots of photos ops, fun, mingling and other exciting things that could happen along the way!

Booking in:

To book in and reserve your place, please click on the link below, create an account if you don’t aleady have one, and book in and pay use the ‘Buy Membership’ tab – the night hike is at the end of the list. Yes you can brings friends, partners, family etc (no kids under 18yrs), just have them book in  and pay too. Or you can pay your team rep at class. Please put in an envelope marked ‘night hike’ and your name.


Really looking forward to this event.. you won’t want to miss this!


Lorraine & The Bootcamp Team